Bravery and other quotes

“Because,” she said, “when you’re scared but you still do it anyway, that’s brave.”

The cat wrinkled its nose and managed to look unimpressed. “Calling cats,” it confided, “tends to be a rather overrated activity. Might as well call a whirlwind.”

Coraline, Neil Gaiman

I will read everything that man ever writes.

Cat naps at work

I’m having to work from home today because both of Mandrina’s kittens need to be vetted.

So I’m currently upstairs working in bed (because it’s the only room I can secure without interfering with Glitch), with my laptop on my lap.

There’s a Bit sitting between my legs at my ankles.

There’s a Pixel curled up in my left elbow with his nose against my elbow.

And Glitch just started whining outside the door.

Another vet visit

We got back from Florida on Tuesday night (more on that later). Everything seemed fine — it wasn’t until the next morning I discovered one of the kittens had been using the unfinished floor in the spare bedroom as a litter box. So furious was I, but that can be dealt with.

Last night, however, I got home late from work. Regularly scheduled lateness, so it was expected, even if I was tired. First I find my office desk chair covered in vomit. Not human, cat. So I scrub it out, what fun! Then I go upstairs to bed to find Pixel on the floor, coughing and throwing up. AGAIN. So I pick him up, and curl up with him. Was it an isolated incident? Nope. He did it twice again in the morning, at least. He’s been lethargic, and I have yet to see him drink any water or eat any food — his own or Glitch’s.

So I have a vet appointment for the two kittens. Each has a problem with one of their ports. Pixel’s throwing up, and Bit’s having issues at the other end.

They’re becoming damn expensive.