Article on Star Wars’s inspiration from Dune

“Keep in mind that yin represents the Chinese idea of female energy, which actively draws male energy, not the Western idea of female energy, which just sits there looking pretty and hoping someone calls.”

Okay, so the quote has nothing to do with the majority of the article, but I really found the sources for one of my favorite books (Dune, not Star Wars) to be rather interesting.

Edit – I just lost some interest — in reading, the author makes a reference to the importance of color in Dune, and how apparently Frank Herbert only ever revealed that yellow meant danger (see “The Qu’ran”). Wrong, buddy! In Dune, Herbert writes that Chani was wearing green after her father died, “the Fremen color of mourning.” The symbolism the author of this article extrapolates based on the sociological basis of the Fremen (the Beduin) and the one color Herbert acknowledged (yellow) is invalidated by the outright meaning of green. For the Beduin, green is apparently connected to good things, as yellow is a warning — a green plant is a positive sign; a yellow plant is dying. Unfortunately, given the explicit meaning of green as a color of morning, his theory of The Qu’ran and Islam serving as an inspiration for the meaning of colors within Dune is clearly in error.

Edit 2: “Herbert” should not be spelled with a “y.”

Home improvements

I just sawed a box spring in half with a jigsaw.

I love power tools.


(For the record: it’s the only way the box spring will fit up the stairs to the master bedroom. Also, did you know that the top of a box spring is made of… cardboard??? I’m a little disappointed.)

Allergic to cleaning!

Mandrina bought this wonderful cleaning stuff called “Green Stuff” or something of the sort. It’s all-organic, supposedly cleans anything, etc.

I just spent the better part of the last hour cleaning up “presents” that the kittens turned out to have left in a hidden spot. I’m not happy. Even more unhappy is my throat.

I am terribly allergic to this green stuff. Not quite anaphylactic shock, but I might be. I just don’t stay near enough to it to run the risk.

So I just sprayed three rooms in the house with green stuff. Guess where I’m not going for the next two hours…


On the plus side, I can always tell Mandrina that I can’t clean — it could kill me!

Bad commercial, no cookie!

I’m waiting for a build to finish before going to bed, watching the SciFi channel. There’s a new reality TV show on it’s way — Who Wants to be a Superhero?, judged by Stan Lee. My only concern is what kind of radiation the poor competitors are going to be exposed to.

The following commercial was for eHarmony, and was the usual “I met the perfect person” fare. HOWEVER, eHarmony is now running a special, 7 days risk free membership. Fine, that’s fairly standard. However, the small print and the lawyer-speak at the end was fairly funny. The 7 day risk-free membership? Only for new members.

I found it highly entertaining that a service that claims to match people perfectly apparently has customers who need to return to the market, as it were.

Harry Potter Meme

I usually avoid memes like the plague. But this one was too good to be true!

Congratulations, you are the personification of all that is evil. Your hobbies include killing people, walks by the lake and torture. But hey, when you’re this powerful, who needs friends?